Recruiters! Announcing our new Video Interview Manager, click for details


Empower Resume Tells More of Your Story To Employers

A picture is worth a thousand words, and video is 100 times more powerful and impactful. The workplace, hiring, and job seeking has changed dramatically by recent world events, and video is playing more of an important part of that. Empower Resume’s focus is on elevating traditional resumes and candidate searches into a new level of presentation. Our services make candidate’s presentations more powerful, and hiring and recruiting focused on finding quality candidates faster and easier.

Our Products

Help Employers See You More

Give employers a time saving presentation with our Professional Profile Maker. They’ll be able to quickly see more of you as a candidate, and be able to get a preview of how a follow-up with you will be. Instantly communicate you and your skills, and help speed your review process. Plus, you can update your Professional Profile to communicate directly to an employer’s needs, and not miss an opportunity to showcase yourself relevantly.

empower your resume with video pitch contact and more

Better Candidates, Better Campaigns For Recruiters

Create engaging recruitment campaigns with our Video Interview Manager. Send invitations, create public registrations, gain candidate CRM information automatically. Responses can collect files, information, but also let candidates record video responses. This helps both presentation to recruitment clients, and employment decision makers get both an initial and followup look at candidates all at once. With video playing a greater role in today’s business environment, managing video components to hiring and recruitment is a must.

Learn more about what Empower Resume Services can do for you

Empower Your Resume

Our service quickly walks you through creating a polished resume or CV video presentation from start to finish. Personalize your video resume to showcase your skills, and forward your dynamic resume link to employers and HR for review.

Getting Started

We’ve made it incredibly easy to setup and share video pitch resumes. You’ve probably already done the hard work, getting together your information into a readable overview resume. Now you can take it to the next level by adding in a video pitch.

Empowering Recruiters

Recruiters – make an impact with your candidates with a career digital presentation from Empower Resume! Take your candidate presentations to the next level with a comprehensive review and video easily viewed by employers.

Resource Articles

Learn more about why video pitch presentations are a great addition to your resume, what recruiters and hiring companies are looking for, and why employers are able to make faster and better decisions when hiring with Empower Resume.

Get started Empowering your resume and career today!

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