Getting Started

Putting it all together for a professional resume presentation

We’ve made it incredibly easy for you to setup and share video pitch resumes. You’ve probably already done the hard work, getting together your information into a readable overview resume. Now you can take it to the next level by adding in a video pitch. Present the topic you’re the best expert in – you, and what you can bring to an employer.

Setup your resume

If you’ve already put together a resume, you’re halfway there already. Simply uploading your resume into an Empower Resume is enough to get your base video pitch resume setup. If you don’t already have a resume, or want to add a page viewable CV, you can compose one easily. Once you’ve added one or both, your video resume presentation will be in a shareable, digital format. This enables it to be seen over and over with prospective employers. All video pitch resumes have a personal URL, and you can include a simple web link for employers to learn more about you.

Record video

We’ve made it just as easy to record your video pitch, too. We’ve put together guides to help you create the best presentation for your video pitch, and to help you with your lighting, sound, and speaking. Our Video Pitch Recording Center features a teleprompter to assist you in speaking more fluidly, or freestyling your presentation. You can review and record many times until you are satisfied, and publish it to your Empower Resume. If you already have recorded a video pitch, we’ve made it simple to upload and include it into your Empower Resume.

Add social links

Unlike many other resume formats, an Empower Resume also lets you link to your various professional or related profiles. This gives your employer a total view of you for additional consideration. This can assist in your management of your online presence, and how it is presented to employers. Include LinkedIn, social, and web pages to further highlight your skills or experience, and employers will have all of your information easily referenced for further review.

Share resume

The portable, convenient nature of an Empower Resume lets you easily share it to future employers and organizations. You can use the Share Center to directly email your resume, generate links to put into applications, and to share on your professional media pages. Best of all, unlike printed resumes, you can edit information and videos after you’ve sent it, making sure that employers see up to date information. Your digital Empower Resume will always be accessible by your personal URL and share links, so you can share in confidence that it will always be viewable.

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