Professional Profile Maker

Make a Professional Profile Impact

Professional Profile Maker is the Tool You Need to Empower Your Resume and Stand Out

Employers view hundreds of resumes for positions everyday, and you need a way to stand out beyond the stack of resumes. You need a way to present yourself to employers for consideration on what kind of candidate you are. A video cover letter and digital resume presentation by Empower Resume lets you stand out easily, and saves you time in the job hunting process. With Empower Resume, you can:

Easily Record a Video Pitch

Anyone can record a great video pitch with the right tools and guidance. With our application, you can record a video pitch cover letter easily. Tools and features on our application, like a teleprompter that reminds you of points you want to make, help you capture the best presentation of yourself.

Attach Resumes and Career Documents

You can upload and attach your resume and documents, so employers and recruiters can view them easily when watching your presentation.

Add Your CV and Career Profile

Add your CV and other imperative profile information to display alongside your video, and make it even easier for employers to get the full picture of you as a candidate.

Be Communicative

Broadcast your video pitch and resume presentation to employers and recruiters easily. An online form and multiple contact method options will make you very easy to contact for a followup. You can even include social and web links for further employer followup!
Easily Send to Employers and Recruiters

Email and share your video pitch and resume with employers!

Easy to Record

Record your video pitch with a webcam or a mobile device, and use our teleprompter script generator to deliver a great intro!

More Visibility With More Sharing Options

Share your Empower Resume on social and professional sites to maximize your reach and be found by recruiters!

Empower Resume Tells More of Your Story To Employers

Help Employers See You More

Give employers a time saving presentation with Empower Resume. They’ll be able to quickly see you as a candidate, and be able to get a preview of how a follow-up with you will be. Instantly communicate you and your skills, and help speed your review process. Plus, you can update your Empower Resume to communicate directly to an employer’s needs, and not miss an opportunity to show you more in-depth.

Help Recruiters Promote You More

Recruiters will be able to make an exciting pitch for your employment candidacy with an Empower Resume video pitch. Plus, you’ll be able to see how many prospective employers have viewed your video pitch, and how well it’s being received. Should recruiters need to show more to a potential employer, or you’d like to update your video pitch for particular job considerations, you’ll be able to update your Empower Resume live.

empower your resume with video pitch contact and more

Empower Resume Wants to Help you Succeed and Land Your Next Employment Opportunity!

Empower Resume is a low cost, employment opportunity boosting service with a simple price plan that lets you focus on making your best presentation, and lets us bring you the best resume presentation pitch tools. 

Get Started with Empower Resume Today with 30 Days of Unlimited Access

$9.95for a month
  • 1 month of video pitch resume creation and publishing to as many employers and recruiters as you need
  • Track sharing and viewing stats, and responses you get from your Empower Resume
  • Share your Empower video pitch resume by email to as many employers and recruiters as you need, or add it as a link to your Linkedin or social media accounts!
  • Still looking for the perfect job and need another month to create and share video pitch resumes? Renew your account for another 30 days, no obligations, no subscriptions, no hidden fees!

Get started Empowering your resume and career today!

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