Recruiter and HR Services

Let us Empower you with our services

We’re ready to help you Empower your recruitment and hiring goals

Are you ready to turbocharge your recruitment reach, or elevating how you present candidates to clients? Empower Resume offers platform service products to fit many needs. We also offer consultation services to discover new opportunities to help you in your business. Contact us today to find out how we can help your next recruitment or hiring campaign!

Video Interview Manager

Empower your recruitment with candidate digital presentations

As a recruiter, our Video Interview Manager can:

  • Slim down review time of candidates, and quicker turnarounds for callbacks and depth of response
  • Launch recruitment campaigns to larger numbers while gaining more indepth presentation of candidates
  • Enable employers to quickly review your candidates and get better insights
  • For recruiters, offer professional on demand candidate review for value of service

Professional Profile Maker

Enhance your candidates with a video pitch

Take your candidate presentations to the next level with Empower Resume! A video pitch resume presentation can:

  • Give the Best First Impression to Employers
  • Be seen more with a Video Pitch Resume
  • All the Candidate’s Information In One Document, From Pitch, Resume, to CV
  • Customize to Convey Everything About the Candidate
  • Track Views and Responses

And much more! Recruiters can have candidates create an account, record a video pitch, add their resume and CV information, and even include social media highlights, web portfolios or professional links, to create a comprehensive review easily viewed by employers. Get faster responses and turn more considerations into yes!

Recruitment and HR Consultation Services

Contact us today to see how we can help you reach your recruitment goals

Let Empower Resume be your partner for success! We believe in empowering all parts of the candidate and recruitment cycle, and we have the expertise and tools to help increase the quality of your candidates, and extend your reach and callbacks. Our sales team is looking forward to finding out how they can help you succeed!

  • Digital and social recruitment campaigns
  • Video pitches, interview and scheduling automated services
  • Video and virtual interviews, callbacks, and candidate screenings
Sales or Inquiry Contact Form
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